The older I get, the more I see the urgency for love to permeate through the veins of societies. I say that in the plural form, not a singular "societY". Love commands, demands, yet yearns and yells at the same time. "Is anyone out there? Is anyone listening? Where can I go? Who will take me? Who will give me?", Love questions. Songs have been written over the course of past generations. They are being written now, somewhere, as you read this, and they will always be written on pages for others to be awakened. They are songs about love. What's the big deal about love when there is so much hate? I want love. I want to give love. I want to err on the side of love rather than hate. Who am I that I should withhold love? Is it withheld because I have been hurt? Tell me someone who has NOT been hurt one way or another, and then send them to me to reveal their secret. I do not have to be an unscratched faberge' egg in order to love the man standing next to me who smells like he really needs a bath. If anything, I must love him more because of my own scratches...that way he (or she) knows the love is real. Then, when he has known love from me, he can give it to someone else.
Shall I give love only to those closest to me, who share in my personal joys and friendship? Shall I only give love to my husband? Shall I only give love to my parents, pastor, or children? Who shall I give my love to? Everyone! Some people say, "Don't even give that person a second thought." For some reason, that comment makes me want to love "that person" even more. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Love is not just a warm fuzzy surging through my veins because it's my birthday and loved ones are showering me with wishes and hugs. Love is a choice. How can I NOT choose to love? I was not made for myself. We were not put on the earth to love ourselves. That is a very lonely place to be. That is a very boring place to be!
I look in the eyes of others who can't see beyond their own pasts and I see each one of them has a child inside STILL in need of love. I want to be someone who can bring a tinge of healing and joy to them. I see faces of those who have not gone through much drama in their lives, but have had very happy, cultured, well-established upbringings, and still there is a need. It happens more often than not. THEY must love. It is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. It is in loving that we are loved.
I am greedy. Did I perk you up? I am GREEDY for love. I am filled more and more each day with a love I have never known, and I want more! I also want to give more. What if I die tonight? What if you die tonight? Anything can happen at any time in any way to anyone. That is the reality of life. Can you rest your head knowing you have loved with all that is in your being?
NEXT WEEK: My favorite season - Autumn!