Aside from my own perspectives about life being too short for things, I asked my family, friends, and colleagues for their thoughts. Today's particular issue is one I struggle with like many people do, but nonetheless, it is an issue that must be worked on and worked OUT, if you know what I mean. The quest to conquer grudges is like the Spartan trying to conquer Xerxes, however, in real life, by the grace of God, we can prevail over the grudges. Grudges do not go down without a hard, and sometimes long, fight.
Here's what some had to say about grudges:
"Being angry at someone for any length of time is harmful to you. It's just a waste of time. It's best to forgive and let go. Give that grudge, frustration, anger over to God. Let it go. When you start holding grudges you start some stinking thinking. You start making up little scenarios. You drive yourself nuts! Ya gotta move on. It's best to enjoy life."
"Life's too short to hold a grudge, resentment, or guilt. In fact, I would include anything that would be a weight or hindrance to becoming all that God has planned for you to be or accomplish."
"Life's too short to stay angry with anyone."
For someone like myself, who is very convicted about justice and who cares that people treat others the right way, it's very hard to just let things go because then it feels as though there is some kind of permission granted to those who are being hurtful. The truth is...that is NOT the truth.
By holding grudges we are imprisoning ourselves to our own hurt and anger. We must let go in order to live in the liberty we THINK we are gaining by tacking someone up on our mental, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey wall.
NEXT WEEK: The little things...
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